Affective delivers comprehensive report on Behavioural Public Policy to Swiss Federal Office of Energy

Insights from behavioural science host the potential to change public policy for the better. In particular, knowledge about how people make decisions can open up new avenues for the design of sustainability programmes. In this spirit, we are pleased and proud to announce the publication of the (German) report "Behavioural Insights in Energy Policy", developed for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).

The comprehensive report concludes a major programme with the SFOE covering the entire D.R.I.V.E.® process and presents behavioural strategies and measures to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy in the Swiss industrial and service sectors. As a world’s first, it has focused exclusively on the important industrial sector rather than on private consumers. The authors include Affective’s Torben Emmerling, Daniel Seyffardt and Alessandro Paul.

Integrating insights from more than 90 academic studies and publications, the publication discusses key behavioural science insights and principles, show their potential for public policy and evidence-based policy-making, reviews six key levers for behaviourally-informed policy interventions, outlines the main findings from qualitative research with organisations in Switzerland, and finally presents 11 detailed intervention ideas for implementation in the Swiss SME context.

In the future, the report will form the basis for further research into behavioural insights in energy policy and various pilot projects for the SFOE and other federal offices and government entities. We look forward to the further collaboration and discussion of the insights gained with many national and international partners.

A short English summary is available from the EnR Workshops at the BEHAVE conference in Copenhagen 2021. Further insights on behaviourally-informed energy policy can also be found in the "Behavioural insights for demand-side energy policy and programmes" report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the UsersTCP.


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