Affective launches a Second Episode of the Applied Behavioural Science Academy on 5.-7. December 2022

We are very happy to announce the launch of the second episode of the Applied Behavioural Science Academy on 5.-7. December 2022 at Villa Hatt in Zürich, Switzerland. In cooperation with Stefano Brusoni and Daniella Laureiro-Martinez from ETH Zürich D-MTEC and Thilo Pfrang from behamics, Affective’s Managing Partner Torben will deliver a truly applied and hands-on executive programme covering the basics of behavioural and neuroscience as well as deep-dives into real-life applications of behavioural insights in public and private organisations. In addition, the course will provide great networking opportunities with like-minded people from different industries and backgrounds, lecturers and speakers.

With the premiere episode in May 2022 being such a great success, we are excited for this second winter episode. Participation is again strictly limited to 15 seats. If you are interested in participating, make sure to register on the website. We also recommend following the Academy on LinkedIn to stay up to date.


Affective turned 5 years and is celebrating 1826+ days of leading behavioural science applications in the DACH-region.


Affective publishes Communication Kit for Behavioural Science with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH/BAG)